Yes it happened Tuesday last week. The national TV of Spain broadcasted at 20:00 pm -prime time here- an interview with me and Ismael Ciordia our CTO and one of the three founders. The interview was part of a series of shows that talk about successful entrepreneurial ventures in Spain sponsored by Banesto and ICEX .
It is a short interview but it shows several things that I like:
- It once again demonstrates how the dissemination works for an open source venture. Openbravo was picked because it illustrates the counterintuitive argument that giving away can result in profitable growth...and we obviously didn’t have to pay a single penny for the spot ;-). The full case is here.
- We are presented as a success story in the country we started operations so I am happy that is not only foreign media such as RedHerring, SourceForge and international media that recognise our progress.
- The case is focused on an area which in my opinion provides good lessons to many entrepreneurs: the important decisions that the founders of the company had to make to grow the company, including the recruiting a new external CEO (that is me) and other key executives. In my believe this is something that many founders hesitate to do, and results in a serious hindering of the growth potential of their projects. I must say that our founders acted wisely there (honestly, I really think so)
- In the video you could see that there is good professional and at the same time friendly atmosphere among the team, which is a key requirement for a winning company ...
- ... and last but not least, very good shots of our new release 2.3 which is about to be presented in LinuxWorld San Francisco. Some of these shots show the ERP running in Chinese thanks to our Chinese community which has done the localization.
1 comment:
i dont see the video ... is it moved to other locaton ?
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